Mozilla Firefox 3(Gran Paradiso) was released on June 17th at 11:16 AM PDT.The new Firefox boasts of having about a 15000 new features than Firefox 2.Mean while Mozilla is all fired up to make it a big success they have been conducting really good advertising for the products like giving out blog ad banners small buttons which Fans can use on their Blog/Website.
Mozilla team already has their eyes on setting up a world record for most number of Software downloads in a single day(There isn't any yet !).At the speed downloads are going right now,I am sure they could reach the 9 to 10Million download mark.Just make sure you get one for your PC by clicking on the anyof the banners below:-
I don't get paid for sharing these banners here..Just wanted to show one of the banners Firefox is giving out to users to use it on their blogs.
You can find more Banners and sidebar buttons to add on your blog at the Mozilla firefox page here.
all New Features of Firefox 3
>>More Secure,Improved Security than Firefox 2
>>Easier User Interface
>>More Personal
>>Improved performance,Speed,Stability,Rendering,Correctness etc
You can read detailed features at the Mozilla firefox 3 Release notes.Software is 7.1 MB in terms of size.Get your's soon