Yup i am back again with another cool Youtube trick,This time it's about the youtube video player,I am not such a big fan of the old youtube video player!.I mean it looks chubby to me the only thing i hate about youtube is the video player(sorry to all those youtube fans!),So i was really excited to see the new youtube Video player which rolled out a few months ago
I love the new youtube player like most of my friends,Recently i had been hanging around @ Userscripts.org and found this javascript which installs the Jeroenwijering flv player instead of the two youtube video players,I am a big fan of the JW player and now i play youtube videos through it,take a look at the JW player playing the same Video on youtube!
JW player loads very fast and is really elegant so here is how you can get it to play Youtube Videos.
To begin this you will need:-
Now from the Firefox window go to the Greasemonkey Addon page.Click on the 'Add to firefox' button and get it installed,Firefox might ask you to restart,just restart and you will be back at where you were the last time!
After you are done with this go to the Youtube Alternate Videoplayer page at Userscripts here
- Click on the install this Script button and install it!
- Now refresh the youtube page to see the New FLV player in action
See Also:Embedding embed disabled videos from Youtube in your Blog/Website !
Tags:Alternate Youtube Flv Videoplayer new Videoplayer for watching Youtube Videos
5/24/2008 11:42 AM
Youtube has released the RSS API which has enabled lot of Youtube apps - one such application is - Yotube player google gadget which can be customized to video and search results. Here is the player http://padmanijain.googlepages.com/myexperiments.html.
Leave your feedback and suggestions.