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Firefox 3 (Gran Paradiso) Released 17th June !

Firefox 3 Wallpapers
Mozilla Firefox 3(Gran Paradiso) was released on June 17th at 11:16 AM PDT.The new Firefox boasts of having about a 15000 new features than Firefox 2.Mean while Mozilla is all fired up to make it a big success they have been conducting really good advertising for the products like giving out blog ad banners small buttons which Fans can use on their Blog/Website.

Mozilla team already has their eyes on setting up a world record for most number of Software downloads in a single day(There isn't any yet !).At the speed downloads are going right now,I am sure they could reach the 9 to 10Million download mark.Just make sure you get one for your PC by clicking on the anyof the banners below:-

I don't get paid for sharing these banners here..Just wanted to show one of the banners Firefox is giving out to users to use it on their blogs.

Firefox 3 Download Banner

You can find more Banners and sidebar buttons to add on your blog at the Mozilla firefox page here.

all New Features of Firefox 3

>>More Secure,Improved Security than Firefox 2

>>Easier User Interface

>>More Personal

>>Improved performance,Speed,Stability,Rendering,Correctness etc

You can read detailed features at the Mozilla firefox 3 Release notes.Software is 7.1 MB in terms of size.Get your's soon mrgreen


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